Introducing my Spoonflower Shop
I am so happy to introduce my Spoonflower shop to you via my website. Spoonflower is a company, now owned by Shutter Stock, that produces 20+ fabric types and four wallpaper types with designs by artists like me. I have over 234 different designs on both fabric and wallpaper in three different sizes of each to accommodate the different types of sewing projects people may be creating.
Spoonflower also offers my designs on 17 home decor products such as pillows, duvet covers, blankets, drapes, and placemats.
Here is a peek at my Spoonflower shop storefront:
I absolutely love seeing my designs on fabric! I hope you find something in my shop you can create with. Go to my Spoonflower shop here.
Happy sewing and crafting and make it a colorful day!
P.S. - Please feel free to share my blog post with your family and friends -- especially those that love to sew and craft. I'd love that and maybe they would too!
P.P.S - If you would like to see me design something you'd love to have on fabric or wallpaper, drop me some suggestions in the comments below and I'll do my best to create something for you!